
General information about hypnosis

Hypnosis has been used fo millennia to treat medical conditions as well as many other general problems way back as far as sleep temples in ancient Egypt. Due to the development of pharmaceuticals and the focus for finding compounds that cure, hypnosis fell out of favour with the medical fraternity. The metaphysical nature of hypnosis has made it difficult for consistent, repeatable results, not to mention difficulties to learn as Sigmund Freud noted. These challenges have impacted in the ability to research hypnosis and its uses. However recently with improvements to research methods and advancements in technology there has been an increased interest in hypnosis which has led to better understandings and the effectiveness when using hypnosis in treating conditions, especially Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Make no mistake there is still a need for knowledge and understanding about hypnosis. There seems to be a resurgence in the desire to study and research the discipline of hypnosis.

Medical recognition of hypnosis

Hypnosis has gained good recognition with those informed medical professionals as a totally natural way to help support and improve the well being of individuals. When hypnosis is performed by a trained professional it is safe. Unlike common belief hypnosis is a self induced state of intense focus to the exclusion of other things, making it free from unwanted side effects. Used in this way hypnosis helps facilitate positive changes in thoughts and feelings and influence behaviours, allowing for positive permanent change.

Important stuff to know about hypnosis

It is important to recognise that hypnosis is not a panacea for treating anything and everything, nor is hypnosis suitable for every single person. So if you are interested or considering hypnosis as a treatment option or just curious and want to know more about hypnosis. It is important to make sure that your hypnotherapist is properly trained and is on a professional register. As I write this there are no legal requirements for hypnotists to be registered with a professional organisation or Government body. In the United kingdom reputable hypnosis practitioners will voluntary register in order to improve the standards and safety of the profession. Due to the lack of enforceable regulation there is no minimum educational standards for training leaving the practice of hypnotherapy a lottery of luck for those looking for help.

Hypnotherapy registers: find a practitioner

This list of registers is by no means comprehensive and the requirements for registration will vary between organisations. If you have a friend or family member who has seen a hypnotherapist who was successful with them, then this is probably your best starting point.
United Kingdom Councel of Psychotherapists (UKCP) This organisation is recognised and to be registered a high level of competence and continually professional development is needed, as well as monitoring by supervisors.
The National Register of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. Again there are set standards needed to be allowed on the register and they are monitored on a regular basis, due to their affiliation to UKCP.

Ask questions of your therapist: phone and interview

Before you book an appointment call and ask if they can help with your problem. Ask how they intend to work with you to achieve your goal.
I can not understate the importance of feeling comfortable with your therapist, you are likely to discuss often very personal things which you have never talked about before, so feeling comfortable and at ease when talking is very important. Keep this in mind when you phone, think of it as an interview. No professional hypnosis practitioner will be offended with you asking questions, especially about their training, background or experience in the profession. If they are registered check the register and the requirements needed to be registered.